Cute pic above from Georgia's last year's blog entry for halloween. She is this adorable knitter who's blog is Always on my mind. Check her out, she's got some great stuff including a good free crocheted flower pattern.
YEAH! I do love Halloween. First of all, RAIN RAIN, GO AWAY....MY LITTLE MUNCHKINS WANNA TRICK OR TREAT TODAY.... and momma don't like trick or treating in the rain. Why does it always rain & drizzle on halloween in KC? All the forecasters were saying it will rain today but tonight is supposed to be clear and 52 degrees, so let's hope they're right! I have a little witch and a little dale earnhardt jr. who are ready to go. We're going over to Jeff's sister's house for a big party and then trick or treating till we can't carry any more candy! (I said screw the avoiding chocolate thing until tomorrow, so fun sizes will be FUN tonight!) who'm I kidding? I had 6 mini baby ruths and snickers bars for breakfast.
My clappy didn't get finished, but damn I'm close. knit knit knit knit. Went to the LYS and did NOT buy myself anything other than one set of circ's. Got my sp a few goodies and need to get them mailed.
On Sat. Beth got out this little Knitting Machine plastic thing we got for $5 at a garage sale about 3 months ago. I'd stuck it into the garage and forgot about it. We cranked that puppy up and she made a sparkly eyelash yarn tube scarf in all of 20 minutes. It was a BLAST! I think we're going to get some fancy schmancy horror eyelash/fur yarns from the craft store and let her girlfriends each make a scarf on her bday in a couple of weeks. They have a similar model to the one we got advertised on tv called the real knit & gem machine. cute cute cute! Best $5 I've spent apparently. I'll get a pic up soon.
Wanna hear something scary for your halloween? Ok, it won't scare you, but it scared the bejeebies out of me. I realized I like my job. No, I love my job. WTF? Who is this lady? Of course, the atmosphere has changed a wee bit, and I only put in about 15 hours a week actually IN the office (rest is at home in my bedroom office filled with sunshine and nice music). I just hope it is here for a couple of more years to keep me going.
Also, note from Friday's red shirt outing. My loving boyfriend told me I was nuts on my red shirt=power theory. He said how does that explain the chiefs? (poor guys). Then he asked was it mostly men that were being exceptionally nice to me and I said yes, why? Apparently when I moved my arms either forward like to open a door or behind me to pull out my $$ from my back pocket, I was showing some serious cleavage supplied by my new VS push-up bra. THAT was why the boys were all being nice. good to know I was putting on a show.