OK, so first of all, I'm feeling much better and less self-involved. I'm wearing my new pair of jeans with the 1% spandex and am LOVING them. These natural fit things from Eddie Bauer are the most comfortable denim I've ever worn in my life AND they're even slimming. ok, ok, enough commercialism here. OH, wait, Dillard's is having its Clinique bonus time right now. My best friend Jildo said they're even MY COLORS, so even though I never wear any of the crap in those damn "free bonus" bags, my addiction continues and I must have it. Every woman must live through these sore trials of the splitting denim, I guess it's part of our destiny. OK, not every woman, you skinny rich biotches with your private chefs and plastic boobies don't have to do it, but us regular women do. dammit. My alter ego "shallow girl" strikes again.
Knitting news, I'm going to start using the navy sock yarn I got from my secret pal last month. I think I'm going to use the two at a time toe-up pattern she sent also. I'm wearing my "sensible shoes" today and they just don't work with the little white anklets (I only own 4 pair of socks and they're not too whoopy). Look out world, I'm turning into a sock chic....
First, all apologies to my little violet friends, and my red friends, and my blue friends, I've just got to unload a bit of political emotional crap here......
SO, wanna hear my dream I had last night? I only remember a bit of it, but it was a doozy. I SWEAR TO GOD I'm not exaggerating here. I dreamed G.W. got re-re-elected. They had a secret election and I missed it. In the dream there was ONE other rebel liberal Kansan and she missed it too. We were all upset because we didn't get our voices heard, but then we decided the two liberal votes in the sea of right wing ultra Conservativeland aka KANSAS wouldn't really matter anyway. I also remember I was screwed because I had forgotten to put hair spray into my emergency backpack (that I really have created just in case). Hairspray was determined to be too unChristian and women were forced to have flat hair as anything else would "encite the unclean thoughts in the male population". It was terrible. My children were crying and I was having to go into hiding in our bomb shelter (our house was built in the time of the good ol' Cold War and has a cement shelter complete with wooden door and old time glass doorknob in the basement). We had to try to learn to pretend to be good little right wingers and fit in and I was going to organize an underground to try to escape from the state boundaries. G.W. was sending all the good Kansas women to become baby factories to crank out more "loyal Americans". They had some weird chemical artificial thing that'd make you pregnant and the babies would immediately turn into little soldiers. I woke up all in a sweat and freaking out.
WOOOOOOH boy. Where did that all come from? Psychoanalyze anyone? I know the hairspray thing came from talking with Jildo late last night about my "shallow girl" hair issues. The hair enciting the male population thing had to come from my religion class, we've been studying Islam and the ways different groups interpret their sacred text and the role of women in areas of the world. The secret vote thing, well, who thinks the man is being up front and honest about ANYTHING anymore? seriously? wow. The baby factory thing? ewwwww. Who knows where that one came from? I'm thinking that's too close to stem cell research, so we're probably safe for a few years yet.
THEN I get to reading the KCStar. The Iraq update part of the front section states that the Bush Administration is spending $7 billion a month to "wage the war on terror". SEVEN FUXXING BILLION DOLLARS EACH AND EVERY FREAKING MONTH. Do you know how many hungry people that could feed? How big is our national debt getting? Does this scare the HOLY CRAP out of anyone else????? Of course, the article is three tiny paragraphs and buried in the back of the section. Seven billion dollars a month. I must say I was not too encouraged by GW's big speech the other night, rationalizing things, defending why we must continue "the war against terror." What happens when the other countries that are loaning us money to keep alive decide, nah, we'd like our money back? superpower no more. I was encouraged by good ol' John McCain adding part of the bill that to get more $$ for his war, GW will have to accept some restrictions on how detainees and prisoners are treated. Tab for wars could top $350 billion. I do like John McCain. I know, I know, a crazy liberal woman shouldn't but I like and respect that man. Are we SURE we couldn't get a ticket with Hillary Clinton and John McCain? I'd vote for that in a heartbeat!
I did enjoy the picture comparing Harriet Miers (supreme court nominee aka cronyism) to the Church Lady that went along with an article from Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan. I couldn't find the pic online, so here's my own version. Whattaya think?

THEN I also read about another 6 marines killed from roadside bombs in Iraq today on the cnn website. Enough already. I am an American, I am proud of our country, I support our troops, but I'm getting fed up and tired of spending money we don't have, lives we can't afford to lose on something that sure seems to be a political and financial motive. After all this, my quote of the day is going back to Mark Twain..."It is easier to stay out than to get out."
I've got to quit reading the paper, I swear the things I learn get me all in a tizzy. So who knew Senator Sam Brownback (from KS) is going to run for Pres in 2008? He's "positioning himself to be the candidate of the party's religious conservative wing." OH dog crap on a stick! We just THOUGHT we were in conservative-land. Just wait until that badboy election gets going. Can you imagine the publicity this state will get in the future??? You know, I really REALLY love Kansas, I love the history, I love the scenery, the sunflowers, the rolling hills, the flint hills, the plains, the fact that my great grandparents etched out a living tilling the soil and surviving fires, hail storms and tornadoes. I think I will become a fundamentalist Kansan. Not the fundamentalist we see EVERYSTINKINGWHERE now, no, the Kansan who loved the pioneer spirit, the midwest ideal of neighbor helping neighbor, the fighting for relgious and other diversities Kansan. I will ignore the Fred Phelps, the moral majority, the evolutionary movement and all the rest. I'm going to be like my Grandpa. He lived his 95 years doing good where he could, not judging others and accepting people of all races, relgions, and backgrounds. He taught me that though people may be different, we are all important and have the same rights and deserve respect from others. He also chopped the heads off rattlesnakes with a hoe as he was plowing his fields before the days of the tractor. I'll just stick with the "treat everyone as you would be treated" thing.
Enough heavy stuff, I'm back to shallow girl status. Gotta get to the buddhist temple this weekend to do the project due this Wed for the history of world relgion class I'm taking. It was supposed to take 4 weeks to do. yup, I shine at the last minute under pressure. Later gators. Shallow girl/mouthy liberal chic signing off.