I am not really a lake girl. I am a girl who occasionally goes to the lake. period. I'm not up for the sweating and tics and mosquitos and smelly water and stuff. I like to drink beer, drive seadoo's, fish a bit (without touching a fish or a minnow of course), relax, watch the kids swim around going crazy and drink beer. If I get a tan out of the deal that's ok too. I had my moments where I was thinking "WHAT THE FUXX WAS I THINKING" bringing Jeff and his two boys and me and my two kids to meet my parents at their lake house THREE HOURS away. It had its moments of pouty kids and grumpy parents, but for the most part we enjoyed life. THE BEST PART was that my daughter, little Elizabeth, wearing all things pink and with cute hair no less (very girly this weekend, must have been to make up for all the little testosterone-to-be floating in the air with all the boys) opened up a can of FISHING WHOOPASS on those boys. We went trolling (in a boat very slow with lines dragging along behind) (Trolling to me was what guys did in the college bars around 1:30am, trolling for the drunkest chics). ANYWAY, I went along to get some knitting done. After enduring all the cracks about how girls are bad luck on fishing expeditions (good ol' dad, sticking up for Beth saying that his mother and sisters were always the best fishermen in his family). WHO catches the fish????? Jeff's boys spouting off about what lures work best, girls can't fish, etc.??? NOPE my baby girl. Grandpa caught 3 little baby fishes not much bigger than the lures, Beth caught FOUR keeper white bass. FOUR baby. bang. bang. bang. bang. Jeff's boys? zilcho. Now, I'm not one to be mouthy and "I told you so..." ok, so I really am. But that day I was sympathetic and listened to the excuses of how their lures were actually bumping along the bottom of the lake or the wrong color or the wrong side of the boat and just nodded sagely. Quietly Beth and I did the girl power hand bump thing. yeah baby. My mom was all excited too but was a bit less politically correct about it. There was some OH YEAH GIRL... Good times.
I also finished two more purses ready for felting. I've FINALLY sent off my secret pal gift, hope she likes it. I LOVED it, but then I'm pretty easy to please. :)
Got to run, OH I also learned this morning that if you sign up for a free pilates class, GO PEE FIRST. You work and work and work those muscles until I almost wet myself. cripes. Loved the class, didn't love the price tag of $10/class. I think I'll just head over to jazzercise or do the free yoga classes at the center I belong to.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Well, I survived the lake
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12:47 PM
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