If you're a Johnson County knitter, please take the time to vote for extending the sales tax that goes to the local school districts. It's the only thing on the ballot and it takes a few seconds, doesn't add any extra money out of your pocket, but just extends the current money that would expire in December. Vote early and vote often!
This is just a Kansas Girl post, I can't help it. This state is beeeeeyoutiful now! Driving along the road, there are thousands and thousands of these sunflowers, my very favorite flower! I'm going to make my next sophie bag in sunflower colors, I may even do a bit of needle felting on it, scary, no? Can't you just see a big ol' flower embroidered on the side of the bag and then felted all together? Gotta finish my last bag from the sale orders and then I can relax and knit for fun again!
My kids are all excited about the new Kansas quarters. They're finding them everywhere and hoarding them. I think our family's all getting them in our Christmas presents, but shhhhhh I'm not supposed to say anything. Beth's making these cool origami folded wrappings for them and Joey's polishing the quarters with an old toothbrush and soap (actually it was his new toothbrush, but it became his old one when I found out about it.)
Not much going on around here, working working working and just enjoying the pretty sights by the side of the road. I traumatized no children yesterday, watched my poor poor Chiefs stink up the joint in Denver. Thank you very much. I have a BUTTLOAD of family in Denver who delight in the Broncos/Chiefs rivalry. cripes. It's gonna be a pain in the arse putting up with them now. I still believe and all that crap, it just SUCKS that the game we looked like a small town college team was against Denver. cripes.