Friday, March 09, 2007

Oh my holy hell

Tampon Crafts

That is just so wrong, but so fundamentally right. Nothing says happy father's day like a tampon toupee.

I stepped on the scale this am, saw that I'd popped up 6 pounds to a respectable 131, smiled, put the scale on a very high shelf not to be taken out again for a long, long time. Thanks for all the encouragement you guys. I couldn't have done it without you. The bet was just my motivation (being a rather competitive, obsessive, crazy woman which made the whole thing INSANE) to give one last heave to get this body and soul in shape before I turned 40. I was so tired of yo-yo-ing back and forth and up and down. This was it. If I would have been a normal person, I could have just gotten healthy without the insanity, but that's just not my style.

I've learned so much by trying almost every diet and exercise plan under the sun. I've found some REALLY good tips and things, I'll get myself organized this weekend and start adding a SIMPLE tip or two each day for how to get healthier without making yourself crazy.

I wound the STR yarn last night and think I'm gonna make some hedera socks with it. Have you SEEN the new Knitty? I don't know when I've seen an episode where I want to knit almost everything in there! There's also a really cute girl's top in the new magknits that may have Elizabeth's name on it. Poor Joey. Boys just get screwed on the whole knitting thing. Yes, I know there are sweaters out there for boys, but he's really not a sweater kind of a kid. I know there are many vest patterns out there too, but, um, well, I don't want him getting beaten up on the playground. My childhood memories were always filled with the geeky kid named Norman wearing a vest and getting punched or tripped. I'm sure YOUR boy that wears vests to school is not anything like that, but I just can't get past the images in my head. He doesn't wear scarves, he's too hot blooded for sweaters, I'm not into making stuffed animals, too much work. I figure I'll make him a blanket and call it that. But blankets bore me, so maybe I'll start on that later. Maybe I'll just buy him some legos.
OH, I did find a pattern for a yu-gi-oh or pokemon card holder from the Daily Knitter! I'll do that.

Have a great weekend you guys!

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