Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Do a little a little yarn.....get down tonight...uh uh uh AND I'm A SOCK KNITTER NOW, sorta

OH yeah, I got it....I got my money....I got my money! Let's all do the happy dance!!!! I'm actually singing like a little kid in that na na na na NA na tune and our part-time college girl thinks I'm on crack. SO, ANYWAY,, we find out that YES southwest air got paid twice and they only issued one set of tickets, so the bank will need to get its money (no, make that MY money) back from SWAir. The process starts with signing a form of dispute at the bank, the research goes on, etc. The airlines will not work with people on this, only with the bank. The bank would most likely be reimbursed IMMEDIATELY but bank policy (you must oooooh and aaaaaah appropriately whenever you hear "bank policy" I know, I worked in banking for about 10 years) states that the bank will return the money to my account within 10 business days (aka 3 weeks) EVEN if they get reimbursed within the same day. Now, I was told, don't worry, SOMETIMES they even get it in there within a week. Sometimes. She said this with a big excited smile. wooo Aren't I the lucky one?

I must admit, I have no shame whatsoever. I used to have a touch of class, but it died long long ago. Let's face it, life's much better this way. SO, little mommacita here is ready to take her kids on the FIRST real vacation EVER for our little family (even when married we went on bowling tournament trips, swear to God--someday I'll tell you about my honeymoon in OK City and Tulsa, just makes you tingle thinkin' on it, doesn't it?---NEVER marry a regional professional bowler. NEVER.) The bank tells me I can MAYBE have my money a week after we return from the trip. NOTWITSTANDING the fact that I have a date with a YARN OUTLET that sells factory seconds of some of the most luscious and exciting yarns on the planet. SO remember that as you read this and don't hate me because I'm resourceful....I played the sick little boy/single momma card and I played it good enough to be on Celebrity Poker baby. I didn't even have to cry. I explained that I'd worked in the bowels of "bookkeeping" as well as almost every other part of banks and I understood their hands were tied, but...poor little sick boy and his sister and single momma going on our first vacation after momma worked so hard for so long (no comments please) to save for this trip and now we'll go and have no money for the trip......BAM I had two ladies with watery eyes, pulled out the pic of my kids, BAM, they called their bossman over, and BAM BAM BAM I walked out at 2:30pm with my $$ in my account on yesterday's business that actually ended at 2:00. BAM I may have no shame, but I have my money.

One more dance for the road......I got my money....I got my money....uh uh uh uh

Ok, that's just creepy now.

LOOK WHAT I DID LAST NIGHT (now don't go getting all excited out there, I am still NOT a fan of the double pointed needles) Click the little pic to see my accomplishment in all its glory...

Don't get too excited, this was the FOURTH attempt. It's still screwed up and I'm not exactly sure why. I took the toe-up sock class from Terri at the Yarn Shop & More in OP. I have to say that figure 8 caston thing is the COOLEST thing I've ever done. Absolutely. cool. She also taught all these amazing tricks of recognizing and FIXING twisted stitches and other stuff. I am screwing up the left lifted increases on this sock. I have the toe "done", it has the right # of stitches on each of the needles and I'm to the just knit for 7" or so part, but I don't have the cool increase/decrease seam running up each side. I have this strange-looking thing wandering up the sides. just craptastic! (I'm stealing that from a blogger, but can't remember who, see, no shame!) If I do the little left lifted thing from the 3rd stitch down each time, I end up pulling the SAME freaking stitch every round. I don't know how to explain it other than when I get it done, it has the increase/decrease seam as well as this REALLY long pulled stitch just sticking out there the whole distance. So, I ripped that out and started over, and the same damn thing started AGAIN, so I started doing the lifted increase from the 2nd stitch from the needle and it kinda worked, but looked crappy. I'm sure it will be frogged yet again, I'm going to try to run out Thurs. night and see if she can show me the error of my ways. I am getting a lot of damn practice on those dpns though.

If I can finish this thing out, I could be persuaded to do some more sock knitting...there are some SERIOUSLY cute yarns out there just BEGGING to be made into sockies for me and my kiddo's. I enjoyed the ladies (and our collective cursing under our breath) from the class. I am going to have to do more of this stuff!

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