One of THESE
one of THESE
which creates one of THESE
I still need to do the neckline edging and sew in a few ends and BAM it's almost DONE!!! WOO HOO!! Please ignore the lovely neck creases there, I swear by the end of October I WILL sit my ass down and learn how to use the timer button so I'm not doing these funky stick your arm out and lean and point the camera and don't breathe shots. ANYWAY I've even been thinking of how cute this would be in a smaller size with the short sleeves in another color. quite cute I think. Let me finish the first one before biting off more than I can chew here.
Did absolutely NONE of the fun things around KC I was talking about on Friday. We did have a good weekend with ALL of the kids. Holy crap-a-mighty, I am not cut out to be a full-time momma of four children. We survived better than most weekends, I did not have a migraine, that's a plus. I realized I'm not getting more mellow, I'm just caring less about the little stuff. I have pretty much given up having any control of the situation, I'm just trying to keep anyone from getting killed. All survived, so we're good to go. I realized I was getting my once-a-month migraines NOT because it was that hormonal time when the little blue birth control pills go to the white pills and that fun Joy of Womanhood gets ready to visit (I swear that's how my mother put it during the talk with the charts and pictures of fallopian tubes and such, the JOY OF WOMANHOOD). Anyway, I don't think the migraines were due to the lack of estrogen, nope, it was a fun combination of the full moon, the impending JOY, AND having four children in my house, two of whom are used to doing whatever they want whenever they want and yelling at their momma in their own house. Kind of like those deaths you hear about when people combine medications? It's just too much to handle all at once. Did much better this weekend due to a LOT of knitting, sitting on the back screened-in porch and discussing the NEW HOUSE RULES (#1 is NO ONE yells at THIS momma. NO ONE. Not if you wanna grow up to see 5th grade.)
Happy Happy Joy Joy dammit