Wear Your Knits Challenge Day #17 & 18 were repeats of Sizzling. I wore the red sizzle cotton sweater on Monday and the purple lower cut one on Tues. I really like them and am so glad I made myself start WEARING my hand knits! You've seen the photos so will spare you armpit-reshots.
Here's one that didn't quite make it to the WEAR portion of our challenge....
Ok, the truly scary thing? Is that I have enough to make that horrid sweater TWICE! 970 yards of WORSTED WEIGHT COTTON hand dyed in a strange variation of the rainbow. Now, I like the colors. I do. They'd make fabulous socks. If they were WOOL and FINGERING WEIGHT. But as a sweater? Being worn in PUBLIC? Not gonna happen.
This whole Wear Your Knits Challenge really got me motivated. I've finished or fixed a lot of sweaters that were just sitting there patiently, never seeing the light of day. One other perk is that it's forced me to LOOK at each of the items I've created and decide to DO something with them. Wear them, Gift them or FROG them. This baby? Frogged. Quickly. Without even looking back.
I pulled it out to make sure it was indeed as freaky as I thought it was, and yes. There's a reason it's been buried in the bottom drawer under all the crap yarn part of the stash. I had no ideas on what this yarn could become other than a CrapLoad of washcloths, and that's not gonna happen. My dear friends got me started with some great ideas. By 11:30pm, I'd pulled out the size H crochet hook and went to town granny squaring it. Now, this giant pile of cotton is on its way to becoming a couple of crocheted granny square market bags! If it works, I'll pop a free pattern up here when it's done.
The really horrid part? When I pulled out the price tag that went with the yarn. $60 (minus 20%). SIXTY FREAKING DOLLARS ON COTTON?????? *urp* Oh, I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth just now. Sorry.
Now, I have no issue with people that WANT to spend $60 on cotton yarn. Really. It's just that my stash wants have changed SO FREAKING MUCH from the time I was a new little knitter that it's frightening. OHhhhhh the wool I could have bought....can't you see it? Cascade 220 in huge piles....ah well. Live and learn. And make granny squares.