Thanks so much for all your help towards my laptop fund! :) I've found new homes for much of my oversized stash. The $$ sure helped the fund! Also, the idea that all that pretty yarn has a much better chance of being knit/crocheted up into something instead of spending eternity in a ziplock bag stuffed in a trunk, drawer, closet, attic, basement, etc. is a nice thought. THERE IS STILL MORE YARN/FIBER BEING ADDED....
My folks are actually going on a trip for a MONTH (they're cruising through the Panama Canal at one point, how cool is that?) so I get the loan of their car! WOO HOO! Now we've got some breathing room to decide what to do about that disaster. I think we'll put a new engine in, but we're looking at used engines as well as a whole different truck. We'll see where that goes.
For now, I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for the cyber hugs, the actual hugs, the $$ donations/adoption of yarn & fiber and the good thoughts. Being a titch high strung and prone to major freakouts, this could have just made me insane. You guys rock!
Hope all your holiday knitting gets DONE! I'm almost there myself. :) If you need a cool fast present/decoration that does NOT require knitting, here's a neat idea. Click the pic for links to the how-to.
