For some reason, when life gets tough, my brain begins creating new lyrics to popular songs. I know, it's quite a useful skill. Let's just say that I decided NOT to go through with the TG's Version of 12 Days of Christmas as I'm thinking I couldn't actually survive 10 more big things going BOOM! Also, the words that rhyme with SUCK do not work well with a family friendly blog environment.

Instead of faking my own death twice *cough cough internet hand dyer cough* or holding illegal raffles and badmouthing others on ravelry, *cough cough famous podcaster cough* I figure I'll just keep on destashing and adding more to my etsy shop with a big arse sale. :) Please keep checking as I am finding stash that I did not even KNOW was in my stash. I pulled these fun and funky batts out of a tub of ziplocked bags I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WAS THERE below and behind the current fiber stash tubs and tubs of ziplocked bags. Seriously, I could keep a dozen spinners and hundreds of knitters busy and STILL have more than I could possibly spin or knit in my lifetime!
One positive note of serious stash diving is finding treasures I swear I've never even SEEN before! It's like my very own yarn/fiber shop everywhere I go. These babies I bought on a trip through Wichita from a local artist. They're fun, and only TEN DOLLARS EACH including shipping. Click the pics to go to the destash rav page or leave a comment if you don't have a ravelry login.

Thanks again for looking & shopping. Please don't feel obligated and I promise to return to regularly scheduled Crazy Yarn Girl Adventure Blogging soon. (Although seriously, ruining a laptop and a MOTOR VEHICLE in the same week? How CYG can that get?) Overcoming all obstacles through fiber. Or something like that.
Finished the crocheted baby blanket. Finished & delivered all wrist warmers this morning. If you forget about the BIG ASS CALAMITY that surrounds me, I'm having a pretty productive holiday season! Half a leg warmer to go and Chrismtas presents are all completed. Hope the knitting/crocheting elves are coming out at night to help your projects as well!