I'm on a mission to raise the final $$ I need for the new laptop. EVERYTHING MUST GO GO GO (yelled in a used car salesman commercial voice) Actually, my usual prices are lower than most etsy-ians so this sale makes the goods pretty much insane. INSANE! INSANE! INSANE! Ok, no more loud type. I promise. :)
Click above for Great Deals on Yarn & Fiber!
Click above for 10% off everything in the shop! No waiting for paypal refunds, the prices have already been discounted!

My big arse loss is your big arse gain! My laptop is dead. It's true. Corrosion and other horrid words were said. There was much cursing and a bit of stomping around the parking lot. They were supposedly able to pull the hard drive stuff onto an external drive for me, but of course I can't access it on a normal computer, has to be in mac format or some such nonsense. Hoping I can get to it once I get the new laptop.
Mention that you're a blog reader and I'll knock another $2 off the sale price of everything on both ravelry or the etsy shop (except the magnets since they're only $4 to start with. I'd sell those for $3 per pack if you're interested).

More will be added daily to both the ravelry destash and the etsy shop. I've gotta clear house and get some $$ flowing in to cover this monster end of the year purchase.
