So we all survived the Knitting with Art Yarn class. :) There were art yarn coils hats popping up all weekend long and I have to tell you, I was SO EXCITED to see the cute hats and the enthusiasm of the art yarn knitting pros too! WOO HOO!
I will admit to breaking open the cooler on Sat about 2pm. :) Hey, forget about "It's 5:00 somewhere," it was THANK GOD THE CLASS IS OVER AND NO ONE (especially me) WENT SCREAMING DOWN THE HALLS! After a cheeseburger and a couple of Mike's Hard Limeades, this spinner/knitter/guild treasurer/art yarn vendor just kicked back and enjoyed the heck out of the whole Knitting in the Heartland event. I have to say, these women I worked with that organized the shebang did a FABULOUS JOB! And seriously? The women in the class? They rocked. They also created new and amazing ways to work with the SUPERCOILS too. OH, the photos...they will come soon. For now, here's one of the ideas for working with SUPERCOILS:
I'll soon be posting portions of my TreasureGoddess Tips & Techniques for Knitting with Art Yarns! And a newsletter....and more stuff on the etsy shop....and world peace, no, scratch that last one. I'll just work on getting my own area of the world straightened out and hope that everyone else will learn to play nice too. Right now I've got enough going on with the JOB thing, MOM thing and getting my house to no longer look like a yarn shop threw up all over the place!
OH, remember the mouse story? Well this little guy is probably why I screamed HOLY SHXT MOUSE! and other such things the other day when the fluff of grey fiber wafted by. Meet Randy the Rat. Yes. Rat. Yes. Randy. Actually, "Ra-yan-dy" said as on the show My Name is Earl. The husband has taken to letting Randy the Rat hang out on his desk in his little desk shelf thing. Randy's cage has been relegated to the office and apparently Randy really LIKES hanging out on Jeff's desk. *shudder* The only issue (ok, we all know it's not the ONLY issue, but I'm trying to play nice) is that the husband sometimes FORGETS that he's left the rat STILL ON THE DAMN DESK while he's off in other areas of the house. cripes almighty. So far, Randy seems to be happy just hanging out there and after a few serious conniptions or "come-aparts" by moi after walking in and seeing no husband but the DAMN RAT just sitting there looking at me, the husband has promised to remember to put Randy back in his DAMN cage. Let's all just hope that there's no more grey fluffy stuff floating about the house. I'm afraid it might not be fiber the next time...
OH, and I should point out that this is an actual PET rat, purchased at the pet shop, not something found roaming about our house. Our house is a crazy place, but so far only infested with yarn, fiber, children and a husband that I love dearly, but sometimes makes my eyeballs itch. :)