Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thanks Amanda, I should get blogging again!

Whew, has it really almost been a week? cripes! Time flies when you're going senile!

I've been KNITTING honest and truly! Remember those two big ass skeins of hand-dyed cotton I got back at the Studio sale and then just crammed into my stash? One of them is on its way to becoming another Sizzle. It's the multi-colored thing on the left in the pic. What else would I start with the cold days of fall upon us but another sleeveless summer tank? Next to it is the start of the Simple Knitted Bodice that I'm making out of Silky Tweed, this silk, cotton and merino blend that I got on MAJOR closeout sale from webs. I'm doing color #16 and the long-sleeved verson, which is a dusty blue-ish tealish color, not quite as bright as it shows up on the computer. OH MY GOD $4.49/ball. It was my first purchase from webs and I'm a TOTAL believer. FAST shipping, great quality yarn, CHEAP price, it's a keeper. I've also almost run out of yarn on Joey's socks. I decided I don't freaking CARE what Jeff thinks about the colors not being "manly" enough. The kid is SIX years old and still wears what his momma tells him to. Joey loves them and that's enough for me. dammit. Besides, what's not manly about blue, brown and grey for cripes sakes?

What else has been going on, um, nothing. Quite boring around here really.

I did take the kids on an adventure to the side of a busy overpass of I-435 to collect wild sunflowers. If you're gonna do this, make SURE to take a big ol' trash bag along. There are some SERIOUSLY creepy critters crawling around on the damn things. I did have that, but I wish I would've had gardening gloves to boot since some of them had not only creepy crawly things, but also some prickly stems! ALSO don't wear flip flops with no socks as that pretty road-side green isn't short friendly grass, but one to three foot high weeds to wade through and I almost stepped on a SNAKE!!! ICK. Anyway, we got a system going. Mom made a LOT of noise to scare away any other snakes or animals and then I knocked the crap out of the bushy plant, then chopped off some long stems and handed them to Joey, who ran them out to Beth holding the big trash bag. Then we went hopping and stomping and yelling to the next bush. Do the arranging OUTDOORS since you WILL bring home more bees, moths, spiders, ants and other various critters. You will. trust me on this one. After arranged, it went on the table in our screened-in porch to be enjoyed OUTDOORS and much anti-itch cream went onto our legs where we fed the bug population of southern johnson county. Sunflowers really are my favorite flower in the world.

Back when I lived in a mud hovel in the armpit of America (East of Albuquerque in the middle of nowhere) we lived on this dirt/clay/mudpit of a road just past "tire man" and some trailers. I was getting tired of the dirt and spiders and clay and nothingness, so I found some wild flowers growing near the foothills and transplanted them. Most of them died, except for the glorious bushy HUGE wild sunflowers. They took off and became this unbelievably beautiful border all along both sides of the dirt road. My neighbors HATED them and HATED me for it. Such lovely memories I have of the place with its black widow infestation in our crawl space.... I do love New Mexico, just not the little spot where I lived with the ex. I'd go for long walks in the mountains, all over Albuquerque and loved Santa Fe and Taos.

Your Maui for the day shots are of this big old Banyan Tree. The travel books said it's the largest living thing on all the islands. It was larger than a city block and unreal. The roots come down from the tree and end up forming more trunks all connected into this one tree.

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