YAY! YARN! FIBER! WEDNESDAY SALE is on NOW! 15% off EVERYTHING in my TreasureGoddess Etsy Shop! Sale goes through Monday, Nov 30th. YAY! I need to clear things out to make room for all the goodies coming in December! OOOOOOOHhhhhhhh I've got some purties drying right now. There will be much CYG photo shoots happening in the next week or two. Crossing fingers for good sunlight and not too much wind!

Also, did you know it's almost CHRISTMAS? Did you? Well, I've ALREADY started working on Christmas Knitted Gifts! I know. It's unbelievable. It's not even December 5th, my usual start date. (No, I've never had a peaceful, calm Christmas season since I started knitting, how did you know?) Well, this is going to be my Year of the Wrist Warmers!

I'm hoping to have eight pair done in time to distribute to teachers, nurses, etc for both kids. I'm more than half-way done! WOO HOO! I've not completed any socks or anything else of substance (other than a crap-load of granny squares) but I'm getting these teacher gifts DONE baby! Using my own version of the pattern in Last Minute Knitted Gifts. I love that book! It's my go-to pattern for all stoplight knitting, conference call knitting and various breaks here & there & around the square while waiting in line, etc. There's a million patterns on ravelry and a lot free as well. Super fast.
I've still got an only-possible-if-a-time-continuum-cooperates knitting gift list. Don't worry. I'm not as with-it as I appear. (or as I think I appear.)
Happy Happy Thanksgiving everone! I'm truly thankful for all the blessings in my life, my family, my friends, my fiber world, all you guys. Happy Turkey Eating (or Tofu Eating for my veggie friends).