I know, I know. It looks like Halloween, all orange and black and everything, but it's for CHRISTMAS. I just have strange children. Ben, my youngest stepson, has decided that he wants an orange and black blanket. OK. Being a big fan of orange, this is just fine with me. I'm using up tons of extra yarn left over from a baby blanket that was made for a LYS owner's new baby. After making my square out of the orange, I had almost an entire skein of yarn left. Add that to a bunch of other almost new orange skeins donated by other knitters and you have half an afghan! Knitters rock. WOOT!
AND in other crochet news.....I'm doing a granny square mystery Christmas project as well. Yes, I DO realize that Christmas is coming. Yes, I DO realize I've once again agreed to knit various presents, only one of which has been completed. Yes, I DO realize that Christmas is only 45 days away. That's more than a month. Really. No need to worry, right? Heck, this mystery project could even end up BEING a present. right? Sure, I'd LOVE some company in crazy-knitters-almost-Christmas-time-warp-reality. Come on in!
Project Details, click HERE.
First Set of Instructions click HERE
Cool crochet blog with good picture tutorials, SarahLondon. (One word of note, English patterns often call the Double Crochet a tr, ex. when told to work 3 tr's in the chain space, it's actually 3 double crochets).
Another very cool crochet blog with FABULOUS free patterns and good descriptions (where I went to remember how to make a granny square to get started on Ben's blanket) is Attic24. She rocks.
Amazing pictorial step-by-step granny square instructions PurlBee Granny Square Project
Back to normal knitting craziness soon....and of course I'm still knitting every day. No worries.
OH, and H1N1 update...Joey slept through the night for the first time since last Tues. He seems to be feeling better, we started him on his super-antibiotics (he's immune to all the regular stuff) and made it through part of the fight with insurance company to PAY for it, good times. Found a half-way mix where the ins would fund half the meds in order for him to get started to fight the bacterial crud that's invaded his lungs and continue the battle with many faxes of dr's signatures, extra documents, etc. proving that he really DOES need the stuff. cripes almighty. If you've not got enough stress deaing with a kid that feels lousy, just add in fun with BCBS. They need to have a pill to help you stomach that!
Glad Joey seems to be on the rise health-wise. Thanks for the good thoughts & prayers. He's a tough kid. Oh, and he wants a blue afghan. Add that to the list.... Anyone got an idea for a crocheted pattern for me? I'm getting a bit grannied out. (Still have about 52 more black squares to crochet).