Wish we had the big bad wolf instead of the damn pigs. H1N1 back in the house. My youngest Weasley is down with the super flu. The flu part really only lasted a day, but the fever, the DAMN fever and the congestion is never ending. Poor kid. My son's already battling CF (cystic fibrosis--a genetic lung & digestive disease) and this just adds a whole new level of fun. Work's not pleased since I missed almost a week when I was sick and a few half days here & there with my son now. Good thing hubby's not traveling this week so I don't miss quite as much work. His dr's are now thinking my pneumonia was from the H1N1 and we just didn't realize it at the time. Hoping we can get an antibiotic that'll work for him. The culture results should be in on Monday. damn.
It does mean more knitting time as I'm often up from about 2am-4am or so with Joey. I'm sticking to socks for the night-time knitting as apparently I can knit in my sleep. I kept waking up mid-sweater knitting finding I've knit a few rounds of K3 P1 in the middle of what should have been stockinette. I knit most of my socks as K3 P1 pattern and apparently the fingers revert to that when they are left to themselves. Jeff's long-arse socks are getting close to completion this way.
There has also been a bit of dying recently for the TreasureGoddess Etsy Shop. Have you ever spun South African Fine Wool fiber? Oh my holy hell. It's softer than merino, 23 micron count. SOOOOOOO freaking soft. Also it absorbs the dyes amazingly. Gives such depth and warmth. Ohhhhhh it's nice. Here's a look of what I'm trying REALLY HARD not to keep all to myself. (All fiber was dyed pre-H1N1 and has been stored in nice ziplock bags so no plague will be sent along!)

So, no Weasley Knit Nights for a while. We need to huff and to puff and to blow their germs down with the help of modern medicine and much clorox. Wish me luck.