Wow, anyone else notice the irony of the last post showing I was freezing my arse off and this post talks of me getting walking knitting pneumonia? wow. Right after the camping weekend, I flew to Minnesota, had a FABULOUS evening with a yarn school buddy Deb where we knit and SHOPPED at a fabulous little shop (Bella Lana), then had a snack (with more knitting). The fact that I had to go to Target to buy an extra bag to check on the plane should give you an idea of what I did with their super sale yarn. (NORO SOCKYARN FOR $9.50 PEOPLE!!!). They had a LOT left, so give them a shout and get you some.
OH, and I worked at the home office. (the official reason for the trip). On the plane home I sat a few rows ahead of a family that was coughing up a lung the entire flight home. Gotta love that recycled air on a fully packed plane, huh? Short version of the story is that within 3 days I had a monster congestion, cough, wheezing, the works. Into the Dr's office, after X-rays sent to BED for a WEEK! Well, I pretty much did sleep for 3 days straight with only a few moments of knitting here & there and no spinning or dying. Boy, you know you're sick when you don't even feel like knitting! Well, as I felt better, I did have a few moments here & there to knit, knit, knit, KNIT!

*whew* I think I'm ready for another week of knitting.... Too bad those whole WORK and REGULAR LIFE things get in the way. Just think how much I could accomplish if I wasn't restricted to stop-light, late night and stall-knitting!