Thursday, September 19, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Revising the Deadline
Well, instead of 4.5 days, I'm revising my deadline to 4.5 weeks. Let's hope I finish this sweater before 4.5 months (let's just hope it's not 4.5 years, but it's totally possible). Mom went on the Alaska trip without her new textured cotton sweater, but she has a trip in about 4 more weeks to Hawaii, so I'm thinking that's the perfect place to have a wispy cotton cardigan.
This is a cool pattern, but it's kicking my arse. It's seed stitch. SEED STITCH in cotton tapey thick & thin yarn which is rough on the wrists, back of hands and elbows. The texture is growing on me and if it wasn't such a strange construction, I could see myself wearing one of these (but not knitting another).
It's actually a creamy almost white, but my pics are showing it a bit off. I knit myself silly on this project and this project alone, and stayed up late knitting on this project, I had knit about 1 ball/day. The sweater is supposed to use 12 balls of this yarn and that rate was not maintainable, about 6 hours knitting/day.
I admit I was unfaithful to this project. I had to do it. I needed some soooooft and squooshy and easy to knit wool in my hands. I just happened to have a big ol' yarn cake of malabrigo which soothed this knitterly soul (and wrists, elbows & hands too). I'm going to pull the cotton yarn out again and try to devote at least an hour or two per day on this. Below is the sleeve/mid portion of the sweater. It has about a foot and a half to go. Seam the edges to that pointy bit, then knit a collar piece as well as two backs and those seam along top and bottom of this shape. I really love knitting from the top down in more normal fashion so you can try on the project as you go. This one is kind of a crap shoot, hoping that the designer's calculations are true. Crossing my fingers & pulling out the cotton again.
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9:04 PM
Friday, August 16, 2013
On your marks, get set, START KNITTING! There's nothing like a deadline to get you knitting steadily on one piece. My mother fell in love with this odd little 2way sweater called the Warren 2 Way Jacket. Warren Jacket Link
She bought the pattern at a little quilt and yarn shop in Hays, KS called the Quilt Cottage back in early June. JUNE! It calls for this 100% cotton (ugh, my wrists are hurting just thinking about that) and it's a thick and thin unusual type of yarn, Ripple by Tahki. It's also a bit, um, super expensive. I couldn't quite afford 12 balls on the usual rate so found it for sale at Webs and was able to get the yarn for under $100. Now, I don't knit many $100 sweaters in cotton yarn, but this is for my mom, who quite honestly ROCKS. She is amazing and totally worth knitting a $100 sweater AND one out of thick & thin cotton. OH and did I tell you it is SEED STITCH? and knit in pieces, but not normal sweater type pieces, but a long strip for the sleeves, a strange shape for the collar and two bottoms, all of which have to be SEAMED together and did I tell you it's cotton?
Yup, mom's pretty much the only one getting a sweater like this from me. :) NOW the only other issue is one of time......The yarn was backordered. It came in TODAY. Just this afternoon and as soon as I get home I'm going to quickly knit up a gauge swatch. BUT everyone's ravelry projects are coming out HUGE, so I'm guessing I'll have to soak & let the swatch dry to get an accurate gauge......
My plan is to quickly knit up 3 gauge swatches with 3 needles of my best guess, soak them and roll them in a towel and stomp the crap out of them to get the water out, then sit them on top of the dryer while I run a load of towels through....maybe it'll hurry things along. I'll probably then choose the gauge that is a little smaller than what's called for......
OH and the timing? Mom leaves for her Alaskan Cruise on Wednesday morning. This is Friday at 4:23 and I'm not even home yet. Totally no problem, right? Wish me luck.
PS I have ice packs in the freezer for resting those wrists. Dang full time job.....It sure would've been nice to have Mon & Tues to knit.... ah well. I'm sure it's no problem. There's the whole knit/time warp continuum thing. I'm sure it'll kick right in.
Gotta go, need to get swatching!
Posted by
4:29 PM
Thursday, August 08, 2013
Viola! The Big Reveal
Welcome to the big reveal!! "After" pics! After a very technical blocking process, the magic is revealed. Actually, I just soak the scarf in a bowl of very warm water, run it through the spin cycle (NOT a full wash cycle) and lay it out on the carpet and smooth it into shape. After drying overnight, the lace just sings! Wowza! I love blocked lace!
Guess what else? FREE PATTERN ALERT! (Ravelry link) Textured Shale Sock Yarn Scarf. One skein of Treasured Toes sock yarn (tons of yardage-463 yds/423 meters) makes a gorgeous textured scarf. The best part is NO PURLING either!
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11:28 PM
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
The "BEFORE" shot...unblocked sock yarn lace scarf
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4:34 PM
Yarn Hopscotch, Noro Style
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4:30 PM
Friday, April 19, 2013
Bathroom Knit Stalking
So yesterday in the bathroom at work there was this coffee cup sitting on the counter with the cutest little lamb on it you ever saw. Not this lamb, but I wasn't able to get a photo without looking like a serious CREEP as there was some traffic in the bathroom. I will say I tried, but gave up after the 2nd attempt.
Anyway, a normal knitter would've probably made note of the cup and went on her way....but I've not ever claimed to be a normal knitter.... Let's just say my hands were VERY clean as I kept washing them over and stopping each time someone came near the cup, then back to washing hands again. After the owner finally claimed the cup, I asked if she was a knitter. After complimenting her on her lovely handknit cabled sweater and she on my lovely shawl (knitted by my dear friend CheryKnits) we had a short chat about yarn, knitting and how sad it is that Knit Wit is no longer open in Olathe. I did behave myself enough to not follow her all the way to her desk (it's a big building) so I wasn't a truly creepy knit stalker, just a normal knit stalker.
Knitters. We're EVERYWHERE!
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6:15 PM
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Still Alive and Still Knitting!
More knitting on my Sock Yarn Bits Blanket....LOVING it! I put 4 rectangles together by using 3 needle bind-off and I use it alllllll the time. Warm and snuggly without being too heavy! I'm reworking the free pattern, so should have it out soon. :)
Also found a bit more of the Schafer Elaine yarn in the stash so the Ugliest Blanket Ever gets to grow a little longer. It's sure ugly, but it's also warm! Now that it will be long enough to cover you from chin to toes while napping, it should enter into more demand in the household. It still looks like a migraine, though. wow.
Hand Knits in ACTION! Wearing a lovely warm mohair scarf while waiting in line back at the NCAA tournament in KC. Got to see KU win (earlier in the tourney) and while it was FREEZING outside in line, I stayed toasty by using a tall guy in front of me for a windbreak and wrapping my neck in mmmmmmohair! YAY!
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8:05 PM